Portrait Commission

(A) Head with suggested shoulders, Bowie, 9 x 12 inches

(B) Bust/Upper Torso, Dr. Spraggs, 16 x 20 inches


Considering a Commission of an Oil Portrait:

David approaches each subject with intention and distinction.

He creates portraits based on two fundamental tenets: achieving a likeness and allowing the essence of the sitter to come through and be revealed as a painted image.

As a portrait artist, David strives to understand his subjects. He establishes this by obtaining guiding information used to visually inform who the sitter is and discover elements that could translate into paint. It could be as simple as a favorite piece of clothing, a tie, or a color! All of these aspects are relevant to who the person is!

The Process:

The ideal setting would allow David to get to know the subject and complete a photographic session with them. If the portrait is painted posthumously or if there are geographical challenges, David has alternatives to realize a portrait!

The Cost:

David uses a rubric to establish a consistent and practical cost of the painting: $180.00 an inch for the greatest dimension.

Example A:

An 11 x 14-inch oil portrait, including the head and suggested shoulder area, costs $2,520.00. The minimum size in this category is 9 x 12 inches.

Example B:

A minimum size 16 x 20-inch oil portrait, defined as a classic full bust consisting of the head and shoulder area and mostly upper torso, is $3,600.00.

Defining Expectations:

The price could vary slightly more or less depending on the complexity of the pose and other practical factors discussed. However, David would discuss these aspects before the portrait was painted and would realize expectations everyone is satisfied with.


Contact David to discuss the options.